WDV2221 Intro Javascript
Unit-4 Assignment - Functions with Parameters
Problem 1
a. Create a global variable called schoolName. Assign it an initial value
of "Des Moines Area Community College".
b. Create a function called processString( ).
- the function will accept one input parameter called inValue
use the String.length property to display the number of characters to
the console
use the toUpperCase( ) to display the string in capital letters to the
- display the first five letters of the string to the console
c. Call this function using a button and the onclick event handler. Pass
in the schoolName variable as the parameter.
Problem 2
a. Create two global variables. One called name1 and assign it a value of
"Mary". The other called name2 and assign it a value of "Smith".
b. Create a function called printName( ).
- the function will accept two parameters, firstName and lastName.
concatenate the names into a single string formatted as "firstName
lastName" and display the result to the document
concatenate the names into a single string formatted as "lastName,
firstName" and display the result to the document
concatenate the names into a single string formatted as "lastName(all
capitals), firstName" and display the result to the document
c. Call this function during runtime. Pass in the name1 and name2
variables as the parameters.